The Importance of Early Enrolment in the Nido Environment

One of the pillars of the Montessori method is learning through discovery. Babies have a natural curiosity about the world around them, and the Nido environment provides them with multiple opportunities to explore in a safe and guided manner. 

This environment is characterised by being:

  • Safe and adapted: Everything in the Nido is at the child’s level, allowing them to move freely and securely. 

  • Aesthetically pleasing and simple: Materials are natural, colours are soft, and order is key to helping children feel calm. 

  • Rich in sensory opportunities: At this stage, babies learn primarily through their senses. Montessori materials are carefully chosen to encourage tactile, visual, and auditory exploration.

 The Benefits of Early Enrolment

Enrolling early in a Montessori environment offers significant advantages for a baby's development. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Development of autonomy from the earliest months: In the Nido, babies begin to explore their surroundings at their own pace, choosing materials that capture their interest. This promotes decision-making and independence, which are crucial aspects of building confidence for the future.

  • An environment that respects their natural pace: Each child is seen as a unique individual, with their own developmental rhythm. There is no pressure to meet predefined milestones; instead, children are given the space and time to progress naturally in their learning journey.

  • Emotional bonding and early socialisation: In the Nido environment, babies have the opportunity to interact harmoniously with peers and adults, developing social skills and creating healthy emotional bonds with their companions and guides.

  • Adequate sensory stimulation: The first months of life are fundamental to brain development. In the Nido, children explore through all their senses. The materials and activities are designed to stimulate sensory development, helping babies form neural connections that will support their future learning.

Early enrolment in a Montessori environment provides babies with a solid foundation for their future development. Through discovery, independence, and psychomotor skills, children build essential abilities that will serve them throughout their lives. The Nido environment allows them to explore the world with safety and confidence, guiding them towards an education based on respect for their natural rhythm and unique potential. 

For more information, feel free to contact us: Final places available for the 25/26 school year.

Mountain Peak British School

+34 611 052 137

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