Happy New Year

From Mountain Peak Montessori School, we wish you all the very best for the coming year. May 2024 be filled with joy, learning, and growth for all our young explorers and their families.

We would like to extend our gratitude to all the families for entrusting our team to be part of their children's educational journey. It is an honour to accompany them on this path of learning.

There is no better way to reminisce about the special moments we shared together than through these images. Here is a small glimpse of the joy, exploration, and affection that blossoms in our school every day.

We will continue working to provide a space where curiosity remains the primary guide on the path to knowledge.

Let's raise a toast to a 2024 filled with wonderful moments, new experiences, and a wealth of learning together!

Thank you for being part of our Montessori family!

Mountain Peak British School

+34 611 052 137

[email protected]