The radiant smiles of our little ones: caring for milk teeth

The early years of life are pivotal in establishing healthy habits, and one of the crucial aspects is caring for milk teeth. These little teeth play a vital role in oral development and the overall health of our youngest children. At Mountain Peak Montessori School, we understand the importance of maintaining these bright and healthy smiles from an early age. Here, we share why and how caring for milk teeth is fundamental for our students.

Why are milk teeth important?

Milk teeth not only enable children to chew food and speak correctly but also serve as guides for permanent teeth. Keeping these teeth healthy is essential for the proper growth and alignment of future teeth. Additionally, dental issues in milk teeth can affect long-term oral health.

Tips for caring for milk teeth:

  • Oral Hygiene from the Start: As soon as the first tooth appears, begin cleaning with a soft toothbrush and child-friendly fluoride toothpaste in appropriate amounts.

  • Healthy Eating: Limit the consumption of sugars and processed foods, opting for healthier choices such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy.

  • Dental Visits: Schedule regular visits to the dentist, even before the first birthday. This helps monitor dental health and establishes a positive connection with oral care.

  • Teaching Healthy Habits: As children grow, teach them the proper brushing technique and oral hygiene habits, fostering autonomy in caring for their own teeth.

  • Injury Prevention: Avoid habits like thumb sucking or prolonged use of bottles with sugary liquids as they can cause damage to the teeth.

At Mountain Peak Montessori School, we are committed to educating and promoting the importance of dental care from infancy. Our goal is to witness those radiant smiles throughout life!




Mountain Peak British School

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